Braille Library & Transcribing Services, Inc.

formerly Volunteer Braillists & Tapists, Inc.

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Braille Library & Transcribing Services, Inc.
6501 Watts Rd, Ste. 149
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Board of Directors:

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Constance Risjord
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All titles in UEB unless notated with an "e" after the number
All titles with "NFS" are Not For Sale
(Last Updated 11/9/2020)
Num Title Author Vols Pgs. Description
5069e Applying Algebraic Thinking Mente, Sue 3 346  
5002e Bethel Series: New Testament, The c.2000 Swiggum, Harley 3 286 Bible study course. Assignments are in an additional 1 volume, 42 pages; Teachers' Training is in an additional 1 volume, 82 pages.
5060e Bethel Series: Old Testament c.2000 Swiggum, Harley 2 260 Bible study course. Assignments are in an additional 1 volume, 56 pages; Teachers' Training is in an additional 1 volume, 126 pages.
5077e NFS Braille World Atlas, The Edited by David A. Bice 1 117 Braille world atlas (tactiles).
5033e CHEMCOM Chemistry in the Community c.1998 Stanitski, Conrad L. 16 2146 Designed for a year-long high school chemistry course geared for college-bound students, ChemCom covers traditional chemistry topics with coverage organized around societal issues.
5029e Chippewa Exercises c.1971 Verwyst, F. Chysostom 10 930 A practical introduction of the Chippewa language.
5066e College Reading 2 c.2006 Fellag, Linda Robinson 3 531 Book 2 in a series of English as a Second Language books to prepare students for college programs.
5017e Corona de Sombra c.1961 Prentice-Hall 3 335 Foreign Language.
5056e Descriptive Tests of Mathematics Skills in Arithmetic Skills c.1995 The College Board 1 28 Assessing Basic Academic Competencies Identified in Academic Preparation for College.
5050e End-Year Test Booklet Level  10 c.1997 MacMillan; McGraw-Hill 1 50 Progress assessment of reading, writing, and listening for the Macmillan/McGraw-Hill reading program.
5053e End-Year Test Booklet Level  11 c.1997 MacMillan; McGraw-Hill 1 54 Progress assessment of reading, writing, and listening for the Macmillan/McGraw-Hill reading program.
5059e End-Year Test Booklet Level  12 c.1998 MacMillan; McGraw-Hill 1 46 Progress assessment of reading, writing, and listening for the Macmillan/McGraw-Hill reading program.
5037e End-Year Test Booklet Levels 8-9 c.1997 MacMillan; McGraw-Hill 1 36 Progress assessment of reading, writing, and listening for the Macmillan/McGraw-Hill reading program.
5016e Escuadra Hacia La Muerte c.1967 Sastre, Alfonson 2 537 Spanish Text.
5022e Eureka! It's Television! c.1993 Benedick, Jeanne; Benedick, Robert 1 44 An illustrated history of invention provides an in-depth examination of television, tracing its origins and showing the series of inventions that made the television a reality.
5008e First Steps c.1980 Pathway 3 124 Primer short stories for the beginning reader -- Teacher note and word lists are not brailled.
5043e Gabekanaansing: At the End of the Trail c.1978 Kegg, Maude; Nichols, John 2 177 Memories of Chippewa Childhood in Minnesota. With Texts in Ojibwe and English.
5042e Gitanilla de Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, La c.1966 La Porta, Lucy N.  1 90 In Spanish.
5074e Grammar and Beyond Workbook 2A c.2012 Zwier, Lawrence; Holden Harry 2 260 Based on extensive research, Grammar and Beyond ensures that students study accurate information about grammar and apply it in their own speech and writing. This is the first half of Workbook Level 2. In the Workbook, learners gain additional practice in the grammar from the Student's Book, including practice correcting common learner errors.
5075e Grammar and Beyond Workbook 2B c.2012 Zwier, Lawrence; Holden Harry 2 298 Based on extensive research, Grammar and Beyond ensures that students study accurate information about grammar and apply it in their own speech and writing. This is the second half of Workbook Level 2. In the Workbook, learners gain additional practice in the grammar from the Student's Book, including practice correcting common learner errors.
5046e Hey Andrew!! Teach Me Some Greek! Level 3 c.1994 Mohs, Karen 3 314 Greek workbook for learning to read the New Testament in its original language. Answer key.
5045e Introductory Logic Answer Key c.1997 Wilson, Nance 2 84 Companion to Introductory Logic Text. Logic with a Christian perspective.
5044e Introductory Logic c.1997 Wilson, Nance 2 192 Goes with Answer Key #5045. Logic with a Christian perspective. Publishers also have Intermediate Logic. 
5001ae Language Master Franklin Electronic 1   Hand held dictionary and thesaurus for the Franklin model LM-6000.
5001be Language Master User's Guide c.1999 Franklin Electronic 1 52 For the Franklin model LM-6000b.
5065e Language Master User's Guide: Special Edition c.2004 Franklin Electronic 1 86 Instructions for the Franklin electronic dictionary and thesaurus, model LM-6000SEV.
1391e Learning Basic Arithmetic, Book 5 Hunter, William; Armstrong, Ethel; Chouteau, Neysa 3 197  
5073e Making Connections: A Strategic Approach to Academic Reading c.2005 Pakenham, Kenneth 6 878 High intermediate level academic reading skills book.
5049e Mid-Year Test Booklet Level 10 c.1997 MacMillan; McGraw-Hill 1 40  
5052e Mid-Year Test Booklet Level 11 c.2997 MacMillan; McGraw-Hill 1 48  
5058e Mid-Year Test Booklet Level 12 c.1998 MacMillan; McGraw-Hill 1 56  
5036e Mid-Year Test Booklet Levels 8-9 c.1997 MacMillan; McGraw-Hill 1 36 Progress assessment of reading, writing, and listening for the Macmillan/McGraw-Hill reading program.
5054e Oshkaabewis Native Journal Treuer, Anton Ed 3 321 In Native American Ojibwe language with English translation.
5027e Phonics: Book 3 c.1997 Houghton Mifflin 1 283 283 uncontracted braille/260 contracted.
5004e Poetry Writing Handbook c.1998 Lipson, Greta Barclay 1 140 A guide to creating 36 different poetic forms that also show the power of language and how to use it.
5048e Pre-Book Test Booklet Level 10 c. 1997 MacMillan; McGraw-Hill 1 44 Assessment booklet by the publisher.
5051e Pre-Book Test Booklet Level 11 c.1997 MacMillan; McGraw-Hill 1 53 Reading assessment.
5057e Pre-Book Test Booklet Level 12 c.1998 MacMillan; McGraw-Hill 1 36 Progress assessment of reading, writing, and listening for the MacMillan/McGraw-Hill reading program.
5035e Pre-Book Test Booklet Levels 8-9 c.1997 MacMillan; McGraw-Hill 1 43 Assessment booklet by the publisher.
5032e Quick-Word Handbook For Everyday Writers, The c.1994 Sitton, Rebecca A.; Sitton, Robert 1 47 A handbook for writers: Includes abbreviations, states, months, days, numbers, homophones, words.
5064e Reason for Handwriting, A c.2004 Retzer, Carol Ann 5 721 A teaching guide and workbook for learning manuscript and cursive handwriting using Bible verses and stories.
5003e Science: Blue c.2001 Foresman, Scott 9 350 First grade science book.
5014e Spelling & Vocabulary: 1 c.1998 Templeton, Shane 10 390 Table of Contents (pages 1-7) not brailled; Letter Shapes (pages 185-206) not brailled. 390 contracted/450 uncontracted
5007e Spelling Connections Grade 3 c.1988 Zaner-Bloser 8 426  
5063e Spelling Connections: 2 c.2004 Gentry, J. Richard 5 553 Early elementary spelling book.
5061e Spelling Connections: Book 8 c.1988 Barbe, Walter B. 5 655  
5062e Success in Math: General Math c.1997 Caruso, Joseph 10 619  
5055e Success in Math: Pre-Algebra c.1996 Levadi, Barbara 6 622  
5018e Tales of Ancient Greece c.1930 Byton, Enid 1 102 Myths and legends of Greece.
5047e Tap the Deck c.1992 Knight, Tanis; Lewis, Larry 3 294 Early composition textbook.
5038e Walking By Faith c.1999 Odien, Terry M.; Place, Michael D.; Walker, Addie L. 7 307 Religious workbook.
5028e Wisconsin Adventure English, Billie Joan; Calhoun, Sharon Cooper  4 480 A history of Wisconsin written for 4th graders.
5072e WISCONSIN: Our State, Our Story c.1987, 1990, 1992 Malone, Bobbie; Oberle, Kori 5 670 History & Geographic story of Wisconsin.
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